Essarr LoreBook

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Outline of Work… thing

Considering the state of this wiki, I’ve decided to outline a few things that I will be doing in a poor attempt to motivate myself to do them.
I previously attempted a to-do list, but this is a little different.

Toaru Project

There will likely be an article for the Toaru Project written sometime after this news thing gets published.
Alongside that I will attempt to focus my efforts on writing about the project specifically. Hopefully it will be more than just reviews and gushing.

Hi, I'm Dave

Unfortunately, the original is lost and I have no way of recovering it. So instead, I’ll try to write a longer, better version when I have time. Once that’s done, this link will actually point to somewhere.


I think the grammar portion of English-7 is complete so I’m moving onto writing a style guide1) as well as a dictionary. There will be an article for that here, once it’s semi-usable. I’ll also have to write a guide2).


I will finally get around to fixing the images on the Review Collection article. I’ll also replace the dokuwiki logo and, if I can figure it out, have a proper favicon.
Since I’m also experimenting with my own drawing ideas, I’ll be putting my own drawings/pictures on here when I get around to it.

Angel Beats!

I will fix up the Angel Beats article as I’ve finished all the main routes.
I still don’t know what else to add to it so meh…

That's it

That’s it for this update, chaos is still occurring unfortunately, but that’s honestly just an excuse because I’m too lazy to actually work.

Minor Update: KamiNomi

I’ve decided to actually write the reviews for KamiNomi at some point in the (hopefully) near future. Whether I actually do or not is another thing.

Second Minor Update: Universal Character Descriptor

I forgot another thing… Well anyway, this will be an article3) that will describe how to describe the personalities of characters. This is something I suck at, so I’m gonna focus my efforts on it.

Ninja… Out!

1) ^ a For the wiki articles, stories and some other misc stuff.
2) ^ a For others and myself…
3) ^ a Mostly for me.
ns/outline_of_work_thing.txt · Last modified: 2025-01-05 17:48:54 by

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